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Events You Should Not Miss

Updated: Feb 4, 2024

When planning your trip to Depoe Bay, you won't want to miss these local events that light up our town. We will treat you like family, feed you till you're stuffed and send you home with great memories.

Welcome to Depoe Bay! We are known for many cool things from being the Whale Watching Capital to the World's smallest (and BEST) Harbor. Depoe Bay is unique, and we are so happy to share with you.

Whale Watching Capital - Year Round

This cozy town is known as the Whale Watching Capital of the Oregon Coast thanks to a resident pod of gray whales that makes its home offshore from March through December. Catch a view of them from the Whale Watching Center, the many shore observation spots or a charter boat. Come Discover these beauties with one of our fantastic charter companies here in Depoe Bay.


World's Smallest & Best Harbor in the US

Depoe Bay’s 6-acre (2.4 ha) harbor has staked claim to the “world’s smallest navigable harbor”. Located 8 miles north of Yaquina Head, Depoe Bay has one of the best small-boat shelters along this part of the coast. This harbor has also been voted the Best Harbor in the US by in 2020, 2021 & 2022.

Some Fun Facts:

  • The town of Depoe Bay was named for Siletz Indian Charles “Charley” Depot who was originally allotted the land in 1894 as part of the Dawes Act of 1887. His original tribal affiliation was Tututni.

  • In 1975, the fishing trip sequence in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was filmed in Depoe Bay.

  • In 2008, restaurant scenes from The Burning Plain were filmed in Depoe Bay, at the Tidal Raves restaurant.

  • On March 11, 2011, Depoe Bay’s port was damaged by a tsunami caused by the Tohoku earthquake off the coast of Japan.

  • On August 21, 2017, Depoe Bay became one of the first places in the United States to witness totality of the solar eclipse.


Crab Feed - April 20, 2024

The Annual Classic Crab Feed and Chowder Cook-off is on Saturday, April 20th! Come help us pick Depoe Bay's Best Chowder. Ducky Derby Returns! At the crab feed caught Dungeness Crab is cooked to perfection at the City Park this year. The Park is located near the World's Smallest Harbor. Neighbors for Kids will return with desserts and hot dogs for those land loving eaters.

The local "Hole in the Wall Gang" aka: US Coast Guard Station, Depoe Bay will be on-deck to give tours of their station and boats throughout the day.


Fleet of Flowers - Memorial Day, May

The Entire Fleet of Boats from Depoe Bay Harbor Embark on a Memorial Tour Every Year to remember those lost at Sea. The Fleet of Flowers is an annual event, happening each Memorial Day since 1945, when it was started to remember two local fishermen - Roy Bower and Jack Chambers - who died while attempting to rescue a troller caught in a storm.

Every year since we have gathered to honor those who have been lost at sea. The event has evolved since its conception to include members of the Armed Forces, fishermen, and firefighters who sacrificed their lives to serve others.

A parade of wreath and flower-bedecked boats passes under the Highway 101 bridge, which is lined with spectators. The vessels head just offshore where they form a circle. As they place their flowers in the water a military helicopter drops a wreath in their midst.

For More Information:

Depoe Bay Salmon Bake - September 21, 2024

History of the Annual Salmon Bake

Depoe Bay's first "Free Fish Fry" back in the 1930's was the beginning of today's annual Salmon Bake. The locals gathered with friends and neighbors to share their own catch and their fish stories.

Over the past 60+ years, this gathering has evolved into the current "Indian Style" Salmon Bake, held annually on the 3rd Saturday in September. Salmon is cooked in the traditional style used for generations by Native Coastal tribes.

Each year, over 1,000 pounds of salmon are slow-roasted to perfection on alder stakes over a 80-foot long fire line. Come enjoy friends and neighbors, live

music, and of course, an amazing salmon meal.


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